Foie Royale is an ethically produced culinary sensation to replace the traditional Foie Gras.
Foie Royale is produced from geese that are raised outside on farms in Germany, enjoying freedom from an early age, with a minimum of 25m² each.
They are not subjected to wing clipping or beak clipping, and are fed naturally. German law prohibits the forced feeding or “gavage” of animals.

The natural liver, small and dark red in appearance is blended, cooked and packed at GMT GmbH, to produce a wonderful tasting product that is the same in texture, structure, colour and melting behaviour, silky smooth and perfect every time.

Foie Royale is presented in a block or a jar and, as it has been cooked during the manufacturing process, can be eaten straight from the fridge – although it is at its best after 15 minutes resting. Foie Royale can be cooked in the normal way – pan-fried, poached or roasted – or blended to bring the flavour into a variety of other dishes such as ice cream.